Mission Statement | OIM Documents

About the Office of the Independent Monitor

The Office of the Independent Monitor was created in April 2002 to "review and report on MPD's implementation of, and assist with MPD's compliance with" the Memorandum of Agreement ("MOA") entered into by the District of Columbia, the Metropolitan Police Department, and the Department of Justice. The scope of the Independent Monitor's activities is broad. The MOA spells out specific activities that are required of the monitor, but the monitor's responsibilities extend beyond these specific activities to the overall oversight and assessment of MPD's compliance with the MOA.

At the same time, the Independent Monitor's role is limited by the terms of the MOA. The MOA explicitly provides that the Independent Monitor "shall only have the duties, responsibilities and authority conferred" by the MOA. Moreover, the discharge of the Independent Monitor's assigned responsibilities must be carried out in an institutional context occupied by MPD, MPD's Office of Professional Responsibility ("OPR"), the Office of Citizen Complaint Review ("OCCR"), the Mayor's Office, and the Office of Corporation Counsel of the District of Columbia (the "City Counsel"). None of the parties involved in negotiating the MOA contemplated the Independent Monitor as a substitute for any of these other institutions. Instead, the parties to the MOA sought to create an entity that would work with them and review the roles of MPD and the City in implementing the specific provisions of the MOA.

In short, the MOA contemplated the appointment of an Independent Monitor who would balance both the specific requirements established by the MOA and the general responsibilities for overseeing the implementation of those requirements with the need to respect the limits built into the Independent Monitor's role.

Following a lengthy procurement process, the District of Columbia, MPD, and DOJ collectively selected a monitoring team led by Michael R. Bromwich, a partner with Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP ("Fried Frank"). In addition to Mr. Bromwich and his colleagues, the monitoring team includes the international accounting firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers and several extraordinarily experienced and knowledgeable veterans of local policing. A brief summary of the key members of the monitoring team follows:

Ms. Doherty was a superintendent in the Boston Police Department from 1992 to 2003, and completed a total of twenty-five years with the Department.  Her roles over time included Superintendent of the Office of the Police Commissioner, Superintendent of the Bureau of Professional Development, Superintendent of the Bureau of Internal Investigations, and Deputy Superintendent of the Operations Division.  A key contribution during Ms. Doherty’s tenure with the Boston Police Department was her development of an early warning system for detection of at-risk police officers. She received her J.D. from Suffolk University Law School in 1979. 

While each member of the Independent Monitor's team plays a substantive role in monitoring the City's and MPD's compliance with the MOA, Mr. Bromwich personally bears the primary responsibility for carrying out the monitoring functions set forth in the MOA.